When applying for a payday loan, it's important to choose a lender who's not only genuine but will also provide the loan quickly and cheaply. For this purpose, it's always better to go for direct lender payday loans where your transaction will be carried out directly with the lender or his institution as against an agent who will be acting on behalf of someone else. Even though the rates and terms may be the same, dealing with a broker means you have to pay whatever fees he quotes which might include his charges as well. Direct lenders will forward you a quote with no hidden charges and once your loan application is approved your funds will be sent directly to your account.

A broker on the other hand has to submit your application to his principle provider who will either approve or reject the loan and inform the broker who will then let you know the result. This will obviously take more time and therefore it's always wiser to apply to a director lender for your payday loan.


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